The Day Designer | Designed by Whitney English

Since before I even started my business, I knew I needed a way to organize myself. I am famous for having sticky notes covering my computer screen, on the wall, on the printer, on my mouse, just anywhere. It isn't organized but I've learned to live through the chaos and to decode it. I'll have 16 notebooks scattered with ideas, to-do lists, marketing strategies, and my client information. Again, it's not ideal, no one else in the world could make sense of it, but I made it work. You quickly learn that in business, you need order to be efficient. My biggest problem was, I could not find a way to bring complete order to my business. I bought Moleskine planners, I looked into fancy, pretty planners that lacked functionality (but boy, were they pretty and popular), and I even looked into designing a planner myself. Nothing worked. I ended up with a super cheap planner that I basically altered to fit my needs (and it was 5 times thicker due to my sticky notes.)
and then Instagram brought a wonderful thing into my life. I ran across Whitney English and saw this amazing creation called a Day Designer. A planner that claims to be both functional and focused for a creative mind...too good to be true! I'm a firm believer that the best way to judge something is to see what other people have to say about it. I went straight to the #daydesigner hashtag on Instagram. The reviews were pretty unanimous. This thing was all it was cracked up to be and then some. It had to be my lucky day. IT WAS MY LUCKY DAY. It just so happened they were releasing a limited edition Pink & White planner. I jumped on it fast, and I'm glad I did because they went equally fast.

I was almost scared to open it. I did not want to be disappointed. The first few pages are amazing. You have a personal note from Whitney, a page on how to use your planner (effectively), and then you have 8 pages on putting together basically your master business plan and bringing it to life. The planner itself is unbelievably functional. You also get to enjoy motivational quotes along the way. One of my absolute favorite features of this planner is having a "Today's Top 3" where you get to remind yourself that these are the most important things to do on this day. No need to make a sticky note for that detail. It's right there, at a glance, all pretty and perfect.
I've already raved about my Day Designer to countless friends, who I hope to have converted, and now I had to rave to my clients and fans about it. It really is worth every penny. If you're thinking about starting a business, have a business, or just want to be 100% more organized, this planner is a must have! Check it out for yourself at Whitney English's Shop.

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